Chapter 14: First Meet(2 / 2)

s and doesn''''t want to take the exa


Althouh he is the top talent in the capital and a role del for all the scholars.


But it''''s just a bubble na. How can we ke achievents without bein an official and holdin power?


We have not lacked any talented uys since ancient tis, but only one who holds reat power can ke outstandin achievents, be reered by history, and serve the coon people better.


He de so influential friends. When he returned to the capital, he accidentally ained reconition frothe crown prince.


"I know what you''''re capable of, I intend to recoend you to the ierial court, and you can serve the country riht away. What do you think?" The crown prince said to hi


最新小说: 殊途同仙 隔世凝光 我的修仙画风不太对 一剑花雨落 黄庭飞升传 天修之道 三岁半修仙,洗白系统早来五百年 顶峰相见,我在异界当山神 魔道仙徒 司雷真君