怀旧野猫 > 武侠修真 > 崔玉传中英对照版 > Chapter 13: Old and New

Chapter 13: Old and New(1 / 2)

Leavin the palace, she walked alone towards the beonia blosso. The flowers reined, but the person she loned for was now far away.


Cui Yu had chaned so ch that she hadn''''t even noticed it. She bean to care for the ordinary people at the bottoof society.


She started to enjoy helpin the less fortunate, often usin keup to disuise her stunnin beauty and blend in with the crowd. She listened to the people''''s concerns and did everythin she could to alleviate their troubles.


In this lower class of society, an the cooners, she encountered a refined youn n who also took pleasure in helpin others.


He was knowledeable, talented, kind-hearted, always ready to help, and eathetic to the sufferin.


After several encounters, they radually beca friends, often sharin a al, discussin their lives, worryin about the people''''s hardships, and seekin redies for their proble.


She enuinely rearded this scholar as a confidant and friend. However, within her aunt''''s Ierial Noble Consort''''s quarters in the palace, she t the youn n aain.


He turned out to be Crown Prince Liu Hao of the New Dynasty. Cui Yu was shocked and terrified, while the Ierial Noble Consort was delihted.


Crown Prince Liu Hao had fallen in love with her, with Cui Yu, the dauhter of the Cui faly.


Great nds think alike, even in tters of love. Two successive crown princes had fallen in love with the sa won.


This was Butter

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